Monday, October 22, 2012
Durga Puja
Monday, September 10, 2012
Reservation in India
Friday, August 3, 2012
Solar Energy and India
P.S. Share your views regarding alternative sources of energy for electricity generation.
Thursday, March 15, 2012
Why Jharkhand is neglected in the Railway Budget

Thursday, January 19, 2012
कहानी फसबूक और ओरकुट की...

यह कहानी है 2 दोस्तों के दुश्मन बने की. फसबूक और ओरकुट 2 अछे दोस्त हुआ करते थे. हर समय साथ रहते; साथ खाते; साथ सोते; साथ पढ़ते; साथ खेलते. दोनों की दोस्ती इतनी गहरी थी की दोनों एक दुसरे के लिए जान भी देने को तयार थे.
फिर एक दिन ऐसा आया जब ओरकुट को फसबूक का साथ बेकार लगने लगा और उसने सोचा की नए दोस्त बनाये जाये. ओरकुट नए दोस्त बनाने लग गया और धीरे धीरे फसबूक को भूलने लग गया. ओरकुट अपने नए दोस्तों में इतना खो गया की उसने फसबूक को पूरी तरह भुला दिया. ओरकुट की हरकत देख फसबूक बहुत दुखी हो गया. दुःख में फसबूक बहुत रोया फिर उसने फैसला लिया की वो भी नए दोस्त बनाएगा.
फसबूक ने भी लोगों से दोस्ती करना शुरू कर दिया. फसबूक अपने दोस्तों को पा कर बहुत खुश था और उन्हें खुश रखने के लिए जितने जतन हो सकते थे करता. लोग फसबूक के दोस्त बन कर बहुत खुश थे; इतने खुश की उन्होंने ओरकुट के दोस्तों को बोला की एक बार फसबूक के दोस्त बन कर देखो. ओरकुट के दोस्त अब फसबूक के दोस्त बने लग गए और उन्हें फसबूक का साथ पसंद आने लग गया. फसबूक अपने दोस्तों को हमेशा कोई नयी चीज़ दे कर खुश कर देता; लोग बस इसी सोच में रहते की अब क्या खास होने वाला है. लोगों को ओरकुट की याद तो आती पर उसके पास जब भी जाते वो वहीँ पुरानी बातें करता और लोग उससे बोर हो कर फिर से फसबूक के पास वापस आ जाते. फसबूक के नए surprises लोगों को अछे लगने लग गए और फसबूक के दोस्तों का नंबर दिन ब दिन बढ़ने लग गया.
फसबूक को अपने नए दोस्त इतने पसंद आये की वो ओरकुट के बारे में सुना भी पसंद नहीं करता. अगर कोई ओरकुट के बारे में कुछ बोलता तो फसबूक वैसी हरकत करता जैसे इस फोटो में दिख रहा है. फसबूक की यह दुश्मनी ओरकुट के लिए कभी ख़तम होगी या नहीं यह तो पता नहीं पर लोग फसबूक के दोस्त बन कर और फसबूक को पाकर बहुत खुश हैं. फसबूक और ओरकुट एक दुसरे के कितने ही बड़े दुश्मन क्यों ना हो पर इन्होने दोस्त बहुत बनाये हैं.
3 Things I like about Orkut
- Testimonials where my friends shared their honest feelings about me.
- Profile visitors
- I added the communities of my interest and still had loads of members and good amount of discussion unlike facebook where the member number doesn’t go up
Facebook is 'नया दिन नयी रात'; hard to keep a track of previous discussion… :-D
P.S. Scooters came to an end and people started using bike. Similarly Orkut has come to an end and people have started using facebook.
P.P.S. Share your views about the social networking sites.
P.P.P.S. Click on the ads.
Monday, January 16, 2012
Equation of Marriage

There are many questions in life for which people look for an answer; for some questions there are answers given by various theories. But there are few questions for which we humans are still looking for an answer; questions like
- What happens after death?
- Can someone be reborn?
- Is there a previous life?
- Why do people love?
- How to explain the feelings of love?
Now mathematics being my favorite subject from childhood I tried looking at the prospect of marriage from the mathematics angle. If marriage had an equation then what would be the variables required in this equation. So the step one is to identify the variables involved in selecting a person for marriage. The variables which I can think of are – age, looks, height, weight, income, education, family background, habits (like drinking or smoking or food), hobbies, interest and lifestyle.
After deciding on the variable the next step is to assign weights to these variables but how to decide the weights of these variables or parameters is again an important question in marriage. After all the weights of these variables would be varying from person to person. Infact there could be a possibility where the weights to certain variables could be zero.
If I look deeper into the idea of marriage then one thing I can say that the variables of marriage cannot be decided looking at the lives of other people. To sum it all one has to decide the variables and weights which s/he feels are important for the marriage.
My marriage equation would be something like this:
Age + height + income + education + habits + hobbies + interest + lifestyle
Whichever equation you select for marriage I hope you have a happy married life filled with all fun and frolic. :-)
Tuesday, January 10, 2012
What if a Girl Proposes a Guy?

20 interesting responses :)
1) You are proposing me..... (guy is shocked)
2) Why are you lying; don’t joke with me. Are you serious??? You love me???(guy is confused)
3) You mean to say that you love me and you want to marry me.... Are you crazy??(guy is tensed)
4) I talk to you nicely that doesn’t mean that I love you but yeah sure we can be good friends.
5) Ok its a very good proposal. Initial analysis shows that its a good proposal but we have to find out complete impact list for it.
6) I have to keep your proposal on hold till I receive any rejection comments from Sweety, Pooja, Aarti, ...... goes on.
7) Listen I am not saying no to you but I am also not saying a yes… First let me settle down... I am not able to support myself how will I support you… I mean love cant happen without money sweetheart…
8) Er... Thank you!... Me...
9) Hee hee... I am the guy so I should be proposing you... hee hee…
10) Have you lost your mind???
11) Er... I dont have a problem but I don’t think my mom will like you....
12) Do you like sports??? Read harry potter??? Have spicy food???
13) Hey did u actually think about the situation... And I think I have to write a new LRP(Love response pack) for the same... Please reply to my mail within EOD.
14) Did you go and watch some boring romantic movie???
15) You sure??? Can we lock this answer??? (Loves KBC)
16) India again lost the cricket match and you are bothered about love. (A big cricket fan).
17) Our frequencies don’t match.
18) Are you drunk???
19) I am a follower of Hanuman ji… I have never thought about any girl this way…
20) Do you like ravan???
P.S. Some of the responses given by friends.
P.P.S. Add more responses... :-)