There are many questions in life for which people look for an answer; for some questions there are answers given by various theories. But there are few questions for which we humans are still looking for an answer; questions like
- What happens after death?
- Can someone be reborn?
- Is there a previous life?
- Why do people love?
- How to explain the feelings of love?
Now mathematics being my favorite subject from childhood I tried looking at the prospect of marriage from the mathematics angle. If marriage had an equation then what would be the variables required in this equation. So the step one is to identify the variables involved in selecting a person for marriage. The variables which I can think of are – age, looks, height, weight, income, education, family background, habits (like drinking or smoking or food), hobbies, interest and lifestyle.
After deciding on the variable the next step is to assign weights to these variables but how to decide the weights of these variables or parameters is again an important question in marriage. After all the weights of these variables would be varying from person to person. Infact there could be a possibility where the weights to certain variables could be zero.
If I look deeper into the idea of marriage then one thing I can say that the variables of marriage cannot be decided looking at the lives of other people. To sum it all one has to decide the variables and weights which s/he feels are important for the marriage.
My marriage equation would be something like this:
Age + height + income + education + habits + hobbies + interest + lifestyle
Whichever equation you select for marriage I hope you have a happy married life filled with all fun and frolic. :-)
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:-D :-D... very funny di....
Very thoughtful :)
I reckon "Income" will carry a positive variable having maximum weight to its side.To be honest,99.99% of the people go by Income,looks,family(can be ignored if the other two factors are stalwarts in that order.Nothing odd,just a truth..:)
very good logic....miss mathematics teacher..keep it up..
Which one of these variables have most highest weightage......:-)
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