Wednesday, April 2, 2008

April Fool's Day

1st April, a day celebrated as April's Fool Day. Where everyone is thinking of new ways to make someone an April Fool. Everyone is conscious not to become a fool.

One such incidence I remember when I was a kid. My mom is a doctor. One of my neighbor's came to our house and told that her daughter had met with an accident. Being a doctor my mom rushed to their house. We also went behind her being just to see that her daughter was hale and healthy roaming around the house. And the news was broken that its 1st April and we have been made a fool. :)

Then one more incident I remember which happened in the college. One of my friends told her roommate that hey, your bucket is leaking. And her roommate started to look at her bucket.

There are many common ones like I am getting married and this is my invitation card. The new company policy. This year I came accross Deepika Paudkone's latest pics, new song from the movie Tashan.

One of my friends from CHD DC, he is also into infy blogs :), pinged me yesterday and said that he is at BBSR DC. But I knew its 1st April and I could become a fool so didnt believe him. But it sure was a good way to make someone fool if he/she didnt remember the importance of the day. :)

Finally in the night before leaving the office I decided let me send the correct song from Tanshan to all the people in my mailing list and see what these people do. In the mail I had written that of he/she feels that this is an April Fool's prank then should reply me back and even if not then also should reply back saying that I didnt become a fool. And most people have not replied back. So sometimes doing something in the correct way one can become a fool. :)

After all I feel its better to be a fool then to be a wise. ;)

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