Sunday, May 30, 2010

Save Tigers

When man hunts – he hunts for pleasure, for money and to prove it to the world rather the universe that he is the strongest creature created by god. Human must have started hunting for food but later it became a status symbol. Royal kings and rich people in the past hunted tigers to show their power. Tiger fur and tiger head was used as a decoration piece which hung at a place where everyone could have a good look. It was a pride to display tiger’s dead body in the palace.

But slowly humans thought of a smarter idea and decided to use tiger’s bone and fur for making products which could be sold. Products could range from medicines to soap to a soft fur coat. In past no one worried about the ferocious specie would become extent.

Now a days there has been talks regarding Save Tigers. The number 1411 has become a talk of the time. You get to see 1411 as number at every possible place where one can notice it easily be it at an airport, or on television, or maybe social networking sites, or an article on a newspaper. When I saw the ad of Save Tigers on television which began with a gun shot it shattered me.

There was one more video which made me think when will man stop killing this innocent ferocious animal. I would definitely say that tigers are innocent even though they hunt and kill other animals. But their reason for killing is for food or maybe in defence they attack. They are a carnivores animal and they survive on flesh and bones. Now you might question why cant a tiger become vegetarian and stop hunting? Also you might say if a tiger wont stop hunting then why should we humans stop hunting. Well the answer to this question can be that there is no one to plan a diet chart for tigers. Also they are not smart like humans who can adjust in concrete jungles. We cant force a tiger to change his eating habits, his living habits but we can definitely stop ourselves from hunting them.

Now coming to the video which was about how and why tigers are killed. In the first video they showed a tiger which had gone mad and use to attack in a village at night. For people living in that village it had become difficult to move around once the sun would set. In the day light when they thought they were secure this mad tiger proved them wrong and attacked a group of kids going to school and killed one kid. Finally the forest officer woke up and spoke to the villagers. They made a trap to catch this mad tiger and finally he was killed. But there was a lot of anger inside the villagers and they wanted to take it out by killing one more tiger. This time the tiger they chose was not mad was not someone who would attack without reason. The villagers surrounded the tiger and hit him with stones, beat him with sticks, rods. They kept attacking him and finally he gave up and died.

The other video was about how some villagers kill tigers and sell tiger fur. Sometimes these illegal killers of the tigers are caught but most of the time it is difficult for the forest officers to track such people.

When I saw the ads on television regarding Save Tigers I wondered is the message reaching to the right people. People who are not educated enough and who don’t really understand the meaning of a specie becoming extinct. As such I know that even this write up wont reach up to the people who stay in villages but still I hope people who are concerned about saving tigers need to work on a grass root level. Talk to friends and maybe volunteer with forest officer and tell the disadvantages of killing tigers to villagers. The message of save tigers should basically reach out to the people who stay in jungles and who feel animals don't have a right to live; a right to survive.

We have already encroached and occupied the major land of India. Jungles at most places have disappeared; trees have been cut down and concrete jungle have come up. We no longer can live happily in a jungle with other animals but still we can try to let other animal species live in peace. Its not just tigers but every animal be it an elephant or a deer or a lion. After all they also have a right to live; right to survive and we are no one to take away this right from them just for our pleasure or for few rupees.

If in any part of your mind you have a feeling to hunt down an animal just think again is your reason for killing valid and if there is no valid reason then I can just beg to you that please stop hunting and stop killing. This request is not only for killing animals but also humans. Stop killing and lets try making this country rather this world a better place to live.

-- The End

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